Imagine Knowing How to Create Real Wealth
We spend tens of thousands of hours working for our money, but spend almost no time learning how to manage it, invest it, use it, and protect it. Learn to be good at money!
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Try These Free Courses on Us!
Register for free and get the introduction, What Is Demystifying Wealth?, and these two full courses on us: Why Are We Bad at Money? and What Is $100 Worth?
0.101 What Is Demystifying Wealth?
This introduction covers the key themes, provides an overview of the current and future courses, and explains how the program works. Start with the first lesson and you can decide where to go from there.
1.101 Why Are We Bad at Money?
This course provides 15 reasons why we are bad at money, along with 15 strategies. We are each responsible for our own financial futures. (10 lessons; total length 87 minutes)
1.102 What Is $100 Worth?
How do compound interest and exponential growth create enormous wealth? What are the some of the pitfalls that prevent investors from benefitting from the “eighth wonder of the world?” (7 lessons; total length 75 minutes)
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