0.101 What Is Demystifying Wealth?

This introduction covers the key themes of Demystifying Wealth, provides an overview of the current and future courses, and explains how the program works. The introduction is divided into six sections. Start with the first lesson, which gives a map of the introduction and getting started, and you can decide where to go from there.  
  • What is Demystifying Wealth?
  • Core Values
  • Personal Finance I Course Overview
  • Future Programs
  • How the Site Works
  • Final Thoughts
(total length: primary introduction 15 minutes, all lessons 56 minutes)

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All donations are tax deductible and go to need-based scholarships and programs for or at-risk individuals and groups through the Demystifying Project, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) public charity, Tax ID 92-3039676.
