Your Financial Health Score

You should perform an annual financial health evaluation, as outlined in class 1.104 Financial Health Checkup. Below is a diagnostic tool to get you started. The checkup is a self-assessment. In addition to questions about debt and credit score, it contains a number of questions about attitudes toward money and systems, as one of the goals of Demystifying Wealth is to create foundational money habits that will serve you throughout life. Most people will score comparatively low the first time, so see the score as baseline for a work in progress. Take the missing items as personal challenges. There are few overnight fixes, but imagine how your future self will feel in 12 and 24 months if you start your wealth-building journey today.

Personal note: My only concern is that no one should feel discouraged. Most testers fared poorly before taking the courses (the median score was 28). If taking an assessment would help motivate you to accept the challenge to improve your financial muscles, then take it. Otherwise, feel free to skip until after you have completed the courses as discouragement is never good. The only barrier to your wealth journey is that no one ever taught you.

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What Is Your Financial Health Score?

As part of course 1.104, Financial Health Checkup, we ask you to do an in-depth self evaluation of your current financial situation. Most people will fare poorly the first time, but if you follow the lessons on Demystifying Wealth, you can get above 90%. Allocate half an hour to this assessment as this is not a quick exercise.

1 / 9

1. I have thought the following and have either (a) written down my thoughts or (b) discussed my thoughts with someone else, such as my partner, family member, or friend (check ALL that apply).

2 / 9

2. Which of the following statements are true? (check all that apply)

3 / 9

3. "I have saved and am saving enough to meet my goals by my target dates." Which of the following is true?

4 / 9

4. Which of the following statements are true? (check all that apply)

5 / 9

5. Which of the following statements are true? (check all that apply)

6 / 9

6. I have checked my credit score and it is:

7 / 9

7. My total non-mortgage debt (not monthly payments) is:*
* Exclude credit cards amounts you pay off in full each month before they bear interest, but include amounts on 0% balance transfer cards.

8 / 9


Which of the following statements are true? (check all that apply)

9 / 9


Which of the following statements are true? (check all that apply)

Your score is

The average score is 30%



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All donations are tax deductible and go to need-based scholarships and programs for or at-risk individuals and groups through the Demystifying Project, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) public charity, Tax ID 92-3039676.
